Saturday 16 March 2013

We are finally at the beginning!

Hello and welcome! This has been YEARS in the "making", and I'm really excited to start my blogging journey :). The purpose of my blog is mainly to promote Jamaican products, places, people, etc. As our little island celebrated 50 years as an independent state in 2012, I really felt a desire to support our economy and help it grow. I gave myself a personal challenge of only buying Jamaican in the supermarket for the month of August - since that's when we first raised our flag - and it highlighted to me the presence and absence of everyday and also unusual Jamaican products on the shelves. Many Jamaicans have been raised in a culture of shopping abroad, or at least buying "foreign goods", believing that this is the best way to ensure a quality buy. And we all know that this is often a fact. Unfortunately many Jamaican products are of low quality, or simply outdated in their style/design/packaging, and therefore are poor competition for imported goods. But there are many great, reasonably priced local products - and I would like to share my favourites with you. So read on, enjoy, comment and share!

1 comment:

  1. Wooooohooooo!!! FINALLY!! I look forward to your reviews and insights. So excited!
